Stop Writing Copy with Your Brain, Start Using AI

Jack Wong HM
6 min readSep 9, 2021

Writing copy is a high-paying skill that needs time, determination, and expertise to master.

I know many copywriters spend hours trying to generate copy or come up with the perfect headline or paragraph for their marketing copy, digital ads such as Facebook ads and Google ads, landing pages, and even blog content posts.

Suppose you are a copywriter who is looking for an easy way out of this situation. Have you considered using AI copywriting tools? If you are a marketer or running marketing agencies, have you experienced writer’s block to generate your next piece of marketing content. Are you tempted to ask for help from an AI writing assistant?

In seconds, an AI copywriting tool may generate content ideas, creating product descriptions for your products, generate social media ads, etc. It’s ideal for anyone who doesn’t have the time to create content or write copy. In fact, you may even make more money as a content marketer since your writing is better than ever before!

What Is AI Copywriting?

AI copywriting is a novel approach to generating content that copywriters are adopting. The automated copywriting software can be programmed with particular keywords. It will then copy or finish the entire article on any topic, even if you are not…



Jack Wong HM

Prof Wong teaches International Tax & Tax Planning in SG & consults in taxation & business matters. He writes on business topics, tax updates, & mindset stuff.